
Garforth Historical Society Booklets
These are excellent publications which yielded a wealth of information
A Short History of Garforth
Around Garforth
This Was Garforth
Garforth Historial Society Archive in Garforth Library- Open to the Public
Tom Blears – Volunteer Historian (Military)  Lotherton Hall
Relatives of Fallen Soldiers
My grateful thanks to these members of the community
Eileen Walton Astbury – Relative of John Henry Waite
Margaret Benn – Niece of Walter Horner
Neil Brownridge – Info on Harry Gray
Doug Laycock – Nephew of Nathan Douglas Teale
Maria Siberry – Relative of Stanley Naylor
Kathleen Brenda Dobson – Niece of John Henry Waite
Craig Davey – Relative of Bernard Jackson
Colin Horner- Relative of Walter Horner
Nigel Pollard – Grandson of George Johnson
Jayne Prentis – Relative of Prentis Brothers
Vera Willis – Relative of George Dacre
Shirley Morris Relative of Walter Horner
Margaret Shipley – Relative of John B. Breed
Cheryl Hutchinson – Great Granddaughter of James Barber
Jane Anne Parsons- Grand daughter of George Quigley who was James Quigley’s Brother
Brian Siberry – Nephew of Arthur S Lorryman
Martin Ashton – Joseph Gee was Martin’s Great Uncle Also Info on Leonard Townend
Garry Holden – nephew of Leonard Holden
David Hebden – John Hebden’s Grandson
Descendant – Herbert Emerson Dickinson was descendant’s Grandmothers’ uncle
David Redhead – John Bennington Breed


Commonwealth Graves
Forces War Record
War Graves & Cemeteries WW1
Ref Victoria Cross Online – Albert Mountain VC
Ref Memorials To Valor – Albert Mountain VC